Welcome to My Website

I believe you came here for a reason, not by accident! You are exactly where you are meant to be, right here, right now. There is a gift here for you today.

Please take a moment to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the light. Everything here is available for you to explore and receive on many levels. Let yourself be guided by your inner wisdom to attract what you need, or what you want. Keep what resonates with you as truth and release the rest.

What you will experience on this site is what I have learned along the way that has brought me to a life of profound joy. It is my desire to share this knowledge directly with you to help enhance the joy in your life and empower you to grow and live your life to the fullest.

It is my heartfelt belief that joy is the birthright of the human experience even if we must pass through the valleys to reach the mountain tops. We are all travelers along the path. As I light some part of the way for you or guide you through some of the shortcuts, I am grateful for the opportunity you are giving to me to be of service.


Genevieve Gerard signature

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Checkout our recent featured posts further below.

We're evolving... You’re evolving

Throughout this website – in blogs, in articles, in offerings, in upcoming events and in products – you’ll find things Genevieve created to bless your life and help you along your way. Please explore to your heart’s content. This website is evolving, as we are all evolving. If you like being here, please stop by often. It is Genevieve’s hope that you will find something of value in each visit.

Here you can find innovative techniques that have shown powerful results over the decades of Genevieve’s experience. Every product she has ever produced was in response to the needs of individuals just like you. Trust the wisdom of your Soul to guide you on these pages and, of course, in your life. Genevieve will do her best to keep what is offered here changing to give you support as you continue to transform and grow.

Connect With Genevieve Gerard

As you explore why you are here, you will find several ways to connect with the words, stories and pieces of Genevieve's work that are most powerful for you at this time in your life.
We encourage you to consider how you would like to connect with us, and to choose among the several options available to you here.

You can start getting more connected to Genevieve by reading her blog, Light Works: Reflections on Life in the Pre-Dawn Light, or scan the Article Archive. You may wish to read some of the “What People Are Saying” testimonials about what others have personally experienced using her work. Explore our products to find your free audio download Opening to Personal Transformation.

You can search for favorite topics and keywords from Genevieve's articles, blogs, workshops and recordings in the right column of most pages. And please make sure you add your name to our “Keep In Touch” list (by entering to get free giveaways on the right column of this page) so you can receive her free gifts like "10 Keys to a Happier Life" and "How to Use Affirmations Effectively" Mp3 download (available only when you choose to Keep In Touch.) You will be among the first to hear about new offerings, opportunities, teleseminars and everything from workshops in your area to new free gifts and special discounts.

As we evolve and you evolve, you will want to visit often to find new tools and solutions you can use and share with others.
Thank you for joining us! We look forward to growing together.

Read Genevieve Gerard's
Wisdom Wednesday Blogs


Be the Director of Your Life

Read "Be The Director of Your Life" blog post by Genevieve Gerard

The nature of thought is that it directs what is created in your life.

This is the subtle principle behind the Law of Attraction and the teaching that “energy follows thought.” This is why thought leaders of diverse backgrounds tell you that to change your life you need only change your mind.


In this simple statement of truth about the nature of reality and the nature of life is a powerful tool that you can use to create the life of your dreams.

Universal laws, such as the “Law of Attraction” and the principle that energy follows thought reveal how the world works. And, it works that way whether you believe it or not, whether you choose to use this information or not. The workings of these forces can be something you bring to your conscious awareness or ignore. Whatever you do, whatever you choose does not change the law. It works and operates with or without you consciously doing anything at all.

     Whether you say you can or you can’t, you’re right.
       – Walt Disney

Your mind and your thoughts are constantly sending out messages that affect the creation of what you experience. That may be a difficult thought for you to get your head around because most certainly in your life you experience both situations that you want and enjoy, and circumstances that you do not want.

As you read these words you might find yourself arguing with what I have just stated as you think about some particularly unpleasant situation and contend, “well I certainly didn’t want this or that.” However, whether you were conscious of your thoughts or not, this is how the world works. It is not personal, but it is real.

In fact, it is the very impersonal nature of these laws that contain both the blessing and the curse of this fact. The idea that you had anything to do with or were involved with creating the experiences in your life of sorrow, pain, suffering or failure can be a frustrating and frightening thought. However, if you stop to think about it, it can also be very empowering because then you realize that to change your life you need only change your mind...

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Finish reading the blog post by clicking here  ==> Be the Director of Your Life post

Genevieve Gerard
Super Serenity Sunday Posts


Discover How To Meditate

woman meditating with cross legs and lighted chakras with energetic lotus petals emanating from above her head

A lot of friends and Facebook fans have questions about meditation.

Most do not know where it came from, what it is, the benefits, and the different ways how to experience meditation. So, I thought I would try and shed some light on it below.

According to WebMD, meditation is a simple technique that, if practiced for as few as 10 minutes each day, can help you control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve a greater capacity for relaxation.
Scholars have found meditation difficult to define, as practices vary both between traditions and within them.

Where Did Meditation Come From?

According to Wikipedia the English word meditation is derived from Old French meditacioun, in turn from Latin meditatio from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder". The use of the term meditatio as part of a formal, stepwise process of meditation goes back to the 12th-century monk Guigo II.

Apart from its historical usage, the term meditation was introduced as a translation for Eastern spiritual practices, referred to as dhyāna in Hinduism and Buddhism and which comes from the Sanskrit (an old Indo-Aryan language) root dhyai, meaning to contemplate or meditate. The term "meditation" in English also refers to practices from Islamic Sufism, and other traditions such as Jewish Kabbalah and Christian Mysticism.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

It is significant that meditation refers to astate of consciousness.”  That state of consciousness is associated with aligning with your Higher or Supreme Self.  As such meditation brings you to awareness of your spiritual nature and the aspects of your being that are often called your higher self or Soul.

It is significant to note that meditation has roots, as a practice, in every religion spanning every major world religion over thousands of years. Although meditation can be a spiritual practice that is as old as time and spans every religion, it belongs to no particular religion and can be practiced by anyone.  That meditation is a practice is an important distinction.  Ultimately, I believe that meditation is about listening to the wisdom of your Higher Self...

   Keep reading to find out the benefits you can get with meditation + what are the best meditation techniques I have experienced.

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Finish reading the article by clicking here  ==> Discover How To Meditate article

Of Special Relevance

A Prayer for Thanksgiving

A Prayer for Thanks by Genevieve Gerard

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for all that I have.

As I consider my life and all of the blessings that I received, I am filled with joy.

I rejoice that an endless supply of Love and Light flows to me from the Source of all Love and the creator of the Light.

I am a child of God and provided for with Love.

   All that I will ever need is open for me and manifesting for me now.
– Genevieve Gerard

As I take the time to appreciate the many ways my life has been blessed, I realize there is a wisdom beyond my understanding that guides the flow of abundance in my life. I trust that flow to support me as I open evermore to my Soul’s purpose, and with an open heart and an open mind, I strive to be and become a force for good in the world and a source of love in the world.

I know and give thanks that much has been given to me and as I open my arms to receive unlimited abundance, I open my hands to give to those who are less fortunate than I am. I know this circulation of accepting, appreciating, and sharing stimulates the Law of Abundance and I celebrate that I can participate by bringing plenty to others as my supply is...

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 ==> A Prayer for Thanksgiving Post

Free Abundance Gift

Free Gift of Abundance


Learn How to Focus and
Attract Abundance More Effectively in the World

I have created a blog post with a special gift offer for a Meditation on Invocation of Magnetic Attraction. Click free gift of abundance to go to the post and download the free twelve minute audio meditation on Invocation for Magnetic Attraction.

Bliss Meditation Video

To view the bliss meditation on YouTube directly click
Bliss is Perfect Happiness by Genevieve Gerard.

To read my Bliss Is Perfect Happiness article and see the full transcript for the video click Bliss Is Perfect Happiness article.