Awareness & In the Now

Genevieve Gerard Posts About Awareness & Being In the Now

Powerful Promise of Today

The Powerful Promise of Today

sunrise of a new dayThis post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

There is something magical about the morning.  It is the powerful promise of today.

Today is not constrained by any other day you have ever had.

As today lies before you it can be a fresh start, a new beginning.  It holds new opportunities out to you for you to create the life you have only dared to dream.

Take Action Today to Transform Your Life

Morning is the perfect time to imagine and envision what you wish to create for your life.  Take the time to consider what you can do.

Is there something you can do differently that may transform your life today?  It may be a little thing.  It may be a grand idea.  It is important that you take action to bring what you desire into manifestation.

What You Can Imagine is What You Can Create

Norman Peale Quote: Change your thoughts and you change your worldIdeas belong to the universe.  What you can imagine is what you can create.  Nothing stands in your way; the key to manifesting is doing.

Energy follows thought.  That is a universal law that you can use for your empowerment.  But the magic of manifesting requires that the thought be followed by action.

There is no time better than right now to take action than right now.  Like from a small acorn a great oak tree can grow, so from a single thought, a single act can you change your life.

Take a moment in the power of the promise of today to consider your purpose, your desire and your destiny.  Within the deepest desire of your heart and aligning with your Soul purpose there is the power to ignite your co-creatorship with God.

You have this power because as a human being you were designed to create and bring into being your ideas into manifestation.

The universal law that energy follows thought makes what you are thinking and creating important.  But, thought alone is not enough.  It also takes action.  It takes thinking and believing, but it also takes doing.

Bringing An Idea Into Manifestation

Planning Has A Purpose

Thinking about what you need to do to bring an idea into manifestation is called planning.  Planning has a purpose.

In the world of business there is an old axiom which is “plan your work, then work your plan.”  This will empower your idea and help you manifest.

Aligning with your purpose, especially when it is your life purpose, or your Soul purpose is empowering to success and helps you manifest your future.

Affirmations Are Helpful

A powerful affirmation I have found helpful in the process of bring an idea into manifestation is:

“Purpose itself Am I”

In the annals of the Ageless Wisdom, we are often advised to ponder on something.  Part of the process of pondering includes the technique of meditation.  Another very powerful tool is saying or even just thinking a positive affirmation or thought form.

These thoughts can ignite your energy as you send out into the universe instructions for what you desire and want to manifest.

I offer at this time an empowering process to enhance the success of manifesting your positive thoughts.

A Transformational Empowering Process to Manifest

To empower my ability to manifest I calm my mind, open my heart, and invite the Light.

As I ponder and consider an idea I have had, I open myself to Divine inspiration.

From that inspiration I develop a plan.

Calling upon my Higher Self, I align my lower self with my life purpose, my Soul purpose.

Then I ask myself and ponder:

Is this idea worthy of manifesting in material form?

What do I need to do to make this happen?

            If so, then start to develop your plan.

Consider what it would look like if my idea became my reality.

Take a pause and dream.

I envision as much detail as I am able.

What would it look like?

What would it feel like?

What do I need to change in my life to enable it to happen?

What resources do I need?

Do I have them?

How can I get them?

I take a 10-minute pause to dream and envision what manifesting my idea would mean every day.

I consider as a part of my creative expression my reality and my world, achieving what I am dreaming, I am desiring, I am doing.

I write down as many details as I can imagine.

What do I need to learn that I don’t know?

What help or support do I need that I don’t currently have?

Where would this idea work best?

Do I need anybody else to do this?

How can I get them engaged and onboard?

Are there legal steps I need to take when I bring this idea into manifestation?

            What are they?

            Who or how will they get done?

Is this an idea I want to do?

If not let it go.

If it is, I invoke and invite my Will.

Invoking my will and taking action are important parts of me unlocking the creative aspects of my life.

What I think, dream, and imagine sends out the energy to instruct the universe to create in my life and in my reality the manifestation I desire in the world.  Aligning with my Soul purpose and my life purpose ignites the energy of creation.

Transforming your thoughts, your dreams, and your desires into the remaking of your world and your life takes letting your Soul, your heart, and your hands work together.  You then can transform that energy into the world of matter, into manifestation.  You have released the power that is the creative potential of your true nature of being as a child of God, and the son of man.

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.
Norman Vincent Peale

Manifesting miracles is your superpower.  Using your thoughts to create and imagine along with your will and your hands to manifest is being and becoming what you are truly meant to be.

You, as a human being, are uniquely empowered to be a co-creator with God.  Your dreams, your desires, serve as a blueprint for manifestation.  Bringing spirit into matter, bringing ideas into manifestation, requires Will and intention along with work.

You were given the thought along with the hands to manipulate matter into being by doing.  This is your powerful combination.

William James, often called the Father of Psychology in the late 1800s, said:

the greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of mind…  As you think, so shall you be.

SO – flush out all of your old, tired, worn-out thoughts. Fill your mind with fresh, new creative thoughts of faith, love, and goodness.

By this process, you can actually remake your life. You can think your way to failure, or you can think your way to success.

Don’t forget the powerful promise of today is not primarily determined by outward conditions and circumstances, but by thoughts that habitually occupy your mind.



      Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Powerful Promise of Today Read More »

The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities

The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities

The Morning Brings New Possibilities by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

As long as I live, no matter how old I get, morning brings me joy.

As the darkness surrenders to the Light, I am assured that all that happened in the past, is past.

   Click to listen to me reading this post to you (11 minutes).

I am promised that this new day that is just beginning to unfold before me has never been before.  Anything is possible.  Everything can change.

Hope and possibilities charge my imagination.  Miracles are available to me.  Destiny is available to me.

I am unlimited and now free to do things differently.  I can right old wrongs.  I can forgive others.  I can be forgiven.  Nothing limits me as the Light conquers the darkness, hope is in my heart.

Nothing is impossible today. 

What will happen is a mystery pregnant with potential.  My creativity is charged from a fountain of new solutions.  Thoughts that I have never thought before are now available to me.  Dreams I have never dreamed before can emerge onto the blank canvas of this new day that is opening to me, for me.

There is comfort in knowing this day has never been before.  There are release and freedom in knowing that nothing I think or choose to do is captured or confined by what I have considered or done before this day.

The mystery of this new day is magical.  It is empowering and inspiring.  As the Sun moves to chase the moon away, my heart opens to the Light.

Today is a precious gift that I treasure.  It has never been before, and it shall not come again.  I must seize it and wrestle from it all the gifts today brings into manifestation.

It is only one day, but it is my day because it is today.  I have been blessed with the breath that sustains life.  I have been blessed with the eyes to see the Sun be victorious.

My life adventure opens new doors.  I can meet people I have never met before.  I can find Love I have never known before.  I can find an inspiration that can change the world.  I am unlimited and unfettered as this new creation of life is revealed in the Light of this day.

What thought will I think that I have never thought of before?  What idea will I have that I have never had before?  What solution will I find to problems that have plagued me?

All is new and available to me with the emerging of a new day.  The promise of new possibilities is the inescapable reality of right now, today.

As I meditate on this miracle, I pause to consider my many blessings.  Gratitude fills my heart. 

I let myself appreciate the little things.  The air that is abundantly available for me, on-demand, and at my need is a gift I use, often without thought.   Yet, if I pause and consider it reminds me that what I need to sustain my life is freely given and available for me.  I need to only use what is freely given to claim it.

In my breath is also a reminder that life is a constant flow of taking in and using what I need, and letting go of and releasing what is no longer needed.  I cannot only take in, but I must also release and let go.  This ebb and flow is so simple, yet I realize that I sometimes let my fears of shortage and lack cause me to be greedy and hoard.

With gratitude, I look around and consider what other life lessons have my busyness made me oblivious to.  As I sit within the calm empowerment of the morning, I become aware of gravity.  Gravity is something that I seldom consider and yet it is a blessing and a gift that the world provides to me for free.  It is something I can surrender into to relax.  As long as I obey some simple rules about it, gravity supports and sustains me freely, easily, naturally.  Gravity, like breath, gives in perfect measure exactly what I need, exactly when I need it.

I consider the life lessons that breath and gravity grant me as the Sun assumes accession.  I am grateful that the dawn reminds me that everything is possible.  Nothing is impossible. 

I take a pause for a moment to appreciate and consider those blessings I may have taken for granted.

I take a pause for a moment to appreciate and consider those blessings I may have taken for granted.  I invite you to look around your life and notice the blessings and bounty you have that may have escaped your notice.  They may normally be too small or insignificant to notice.  Take a few moments to pay attention and consider what little blessings you may find.

You might notice as you do this hope comes into your heart.  Your mind is ignited by the possibility.  This whole day is available to you for celebration and appreciation. 

In gratitude, you are able to put your burdens down.  With gratitude, you can focus on what you have.  You may be surprised by what you notice you already have of what you need.  You may realize that what is easily available to you right now, in the hope and promise of the morning is enough for today.

If that is true for you let go your constant striving and let yourself relax.  Let yourself just be. Be calm and at peace.  Trust that the lesson of your breath (that what you need is exactly available in the amount that you need it) is true for all of your life.

As you take the time to appreciate what you have, you may realize that you have much more than you need.  You may realize it is time to release what you no longer need or what no longer serves you.  Let the joy of appreciating your abundance fill you.  Let your gratitude fill you and flow from you as you start this new day.

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
     – Psalm 118:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

Arise and go forth into this new day with an open heart and an open mind.  Leave your worries behind and leave your troubles in the past.  Seize this new day with confidence.

Take your hope out into this new day and let what you need come to you freely.  Then claim it when it does.  Let yourself receive and remember that you are a beloved child of God.  And in all things and in all ways, God is always working for what is good.

Like with your breath, life is working to give you what you need in the exact measure that you need it. 



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 13,298 times. Check out our other related posts below or in the Hot Topics sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The Joy of Morning Promises New Possibilities Read More »

Today Is A New Day

Today Is A New Day

What You See Right Now by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

Life requires choices.

Some choices you have made in the past have been both wise and wonderful.  And if you are at all like me, as you have moved through your life experiences some choices have been awful and awesome mistakes.  That’s life!

What matters in this great adventure we call life is not that you have chosen well in the plethora of choices and paths that have laid before you, but what you have learned.

Some decisions you have considered mistakes.  Yet, when you look at them as your life lessons, you will possibly see that they may have taken you in a way you may not have gone without that mistake.

A life without mistakes is a life without purpose.  It is the times you have dared, dreamed and stretched beyond what you believed was possible that give your life definition.  The way we learn, as a human being is by trial and error.  That makes a mistake as necessary as the trial.

Sometimes, after a particularly painful error, you might get angry with yourself.  You might even get caught up in blame and shame and doubt.  I suggest that you not waste your time and energy blaming yourself.

I suggest that each mistake is explored as the opportunity to learn and grow that it is.  When you discover the lesson from that mistake, you remember that you are now wiser and more capable than you were before.  As you step into the new opportunities that are available for you today, you are forearmed by the mistakes and errors of your past.

Considering all the mistakes you have made in your life, you have been uniquely prepared for what life is offering you right NOW, TODAY.

Never Forget Today Is A New Day

To take advantage of the new possibilities that are emerging several life lessons can help you seize the present.  Since ancient times the advice of Carpe Diem has been a call to action.  It is the advice to seize the day and make the most of the opportunities that are emerging today.

Things You Can Do To Empower & Support Yourself

In my many years as a counselor and life coach, and more importantly as a human being who has made many mistakes and learned many life lessons, I have found that there are things you can do to empower and support yourself.  I would like to share a few of those simple life lessons with you right now, today.

  1. Be gentle with yourself. Once you have learned the life lesson of the error you have made incorporate that understanding into your life and then let it go.
  2. Forgive yourself. You are not perfect.  You are not designed to be perfect.  You were created to learn by experience, trial, and error.  Once you gave something the trial and made the error, let that error be in the past.  It no longer defines you.  It is over and finished.
  3. Next, open yourself to the unlimited opportunities that present themselves to you right now, today.

Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.
         – Khalil Gibran

  1. Dare to dream about today, for dreams are the creative power of your mind and work with the creative energy of the universe. You can create the life you desire when you dare to dream.
  2. Listen to the promptings of your Higher Self (Soul) for Grace comes in the silent promptings of your Soul to help you align with your life purpose.

Today is a new day.  The possibilities and opportunities that present themselves today have never been available before.  They are unique to right now, today.  However, to take advantage of those possibilities, you must put your past behind you.

Free yourself from the tyranny of your own self-judgment and criticism.  Let yourself see and then release all the reasons you were vulnerable and misguided by your failure to understand what you now can see clearly.

What you see right now, today is what matters. 

To learn from a past mistake does not mean to continue to berate yourself for having made a mistake.  Learn the lesson and then trust yourself to know better now, do better now.
         – Genevieve Gerard

There is no day more bursting with new possibilities than today.  Life has given you the opportunity for a reset.  It is called today.  What you do with it can only be done now, today.  If you could have done it before now, you would have.

All that is past has no power over you!

As the old saying goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Make it the best of your life.”  It is what you do with your day that matters.

So, shake off your past mistakes like the dust from a town you have left behind.  The future is beckoning you, but you must walk through right now, today to get there.

Daily Affirmations To Empower & Support You

Right Now, Today Affirmations

These Right Now, Today affirmations may help you if you repeat them often:

Right now, today, I will forgive myself, knowing that what I have learned from past errors has prepared me for what today brings and what tomorrow may bring like a stern teacher.

Right now, today, I will appreciate all of the life experiences and life lessons I have learned for they brought me to today.

Right now, today, I will open myself and my life to the guidance of my Soul that I may fulfill my unique purpose in this span of years that I have been granted.

Right now, today I will be bold with my dreams and courageous in my actions to seize and see the opportunities large and small that life offers me.

Ultimately, you really only have this moment in time.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
         – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

Now, life awaits your exploration of this adventureI celebrate you, right here, right now.




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 8-21-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Today Is A New Day Read More »

The Power You Unleash When You Dream

The Power You Unleash When You Dream

Unleash Your Dreams by Genevieve Gerard

As the calendar of time shifts from one year to the next the magic of creation is released into the world.

It is a magic you can use to empower your life.

It is by daring to dream that you unleash this magic.

It is by daring to dream that you can explore new possibilities and transform your life.

Your life has a purpose.  There is a reason for your life, a reason held deep within the mystery of time itself.

Every experience you have had in your life, positive and negative has brought you to this moment in the annals of time.  Every success you have had or mistake from which you have learned prepared you for NOW.

When you pause and think about where you are in this moment in your life, something special happens.  Your understanding can be freed as you realize that no matter what mistakes you may have made in life, they are all in the past.  And in some miraculous way, they have prepared you for exactly what is being created to come into manifestation right now.

As the days of time unfold from last year to this new year it is time to consider the life you have dreamed of.  Your dreams, your desires are the treasure map of your life’s adventure.  This is especially true, and especially powerful when you take this time as an opportunity to align your life with your Soul purpose.

Your Soul is the part of your spiritual anatomy that has vast power.  And, it is your Soul that engages you in your co-creator role with God.  Being a spark of Divine Light, both grants you certain privileges and calls you to certain responsibilities in your life.

Fuel Your Dreams

Even your Angels, especially your Guardian Angel are aligned with your Soul Purpose, your life purpose.

Amazingly your dreams provide the revelation of guidance that is unlocked and unleashed when you dare to dream.  So, take some time during this transition from one year to the next to consider what you want, what you need and let your creative mind fuel your dreams through your imagination.

Dreaming is the perfect tool to ignite your creativity.

Dreaming is a creative exercise when aligned with your Soul and aligned with Divine Will in your co-creator role as a “child of God.”
                     -Genevieve Gerard

Dreaming activates the universal laws of creation.  It can be powerful beyond your understanding.

Empower Your Life With Your Dreams

As I write these words to you, I am aware that in order for you to empower your life with your dreams there may be some things you need to address to unlock the full potential of using your dreams to create your life.

You may have been criticized in your life for being a “dreamer.”  If so, I ask you to firmly, with clear intention put that criticism in your past.

I invite you to step into the creative role of being a dreamer, recognizing that your dreams can be the blueprint for creating your future.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
                      – Eleanor Roosevelt

Active Dreaming

I invite you to engage in an exercise and technique I call Active Dreaming.

I ask you to practice this technique of active dreaming for 5 minutes a day, for the next 21 days.  Before you engage in your practice of Active Dreaming I ask that you prepare yourself with these four simple steps:

  1. Go to a place you will not be disturbed for 5 minutes.
  2. Turn off any background noise that you can so your distractions are minimal.
  3. Place your spiritual journal with a writing implement in easy reach.
  4. As you begin your Active Dreaming Exercise get comfortable, sitting in a chair or couch with your spine aligned, not lying down, with your feet on the floor.


Active Dreaming Exercise


  1. Take a very deep breath and as you draw in the breath draw in vitality and creative life energy. And as you exhale release any stress you may have been holding in your body.

  3. Then taking in another very deep and relaxing breath let your body surrender to the support of your chair, realizing you are being supported by the chair, which is supported by the floor, which is supported by the earth.


    This support is available to you through the Law of Gravity and is part of the support you receive as a child of God.  It is one of many natural laws that are available to help you manifest your dreams.


  5. For the next few moments, while you actively dream notice that each breath that you take, deep or shallow teaches you and confirms for you that life is providing exactly the amount of air that you need, in exactly the proportion in which you need it for energy and vitality.


    Trust that what you need is available for you to create and manifest your life’s purpose, your Soul purpose. Ponder on this.


  7. Now, as you pause and reflect, consider your life. Consider your dreams and desires.  Let your mind and your imagination run free for at least five minutes. 


    What would change in your life if you were living the life of your dreams? 


    How would that feel? 


    Let your mind fill in as many details as you can while you engage in this active dreaming exercise.  There are no limits to what is possible in your dream. 


    Let your mind be free.  Examine and explore ideas you have never considered before.  Suspend all your judgments. 


    This is a time for creative exploration.  There are no limitations with creative exploration, there are only new possibilities and opportunities.


  9. Then, release your dreams with no attachment to them. Take another deep and relaxing breath and release with the exhale any fears that may have arisen during your active dreaming time.

  11. Now, take another few moments to record in your spiritual journal any ideas you may have had that you do not wish to forget.

  13. Before you return to your normal day and normal activities consciously align your will with Divine Will and call upon you Angels to assist you in manifesting your dreams as long as they are in alignment with Divine Will and for the highest good of all.


You may wish to expand the time allocated to 10 or 15 minutes a day to allow adequate time for your spiritual journal entry.

Then go about your day freely.

Keep up this Active Dreaming exercise as a part of your life for the next 21 days.  You may notice how you are able to see new possibilities and new opportunities more often.  You may notice you have more hope in your heart.  You might observe you have less negative self-talk or are naturally releasing some of your limiting beliefs.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 5,234 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Last updated 1-15-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The Power You Unleash When You Dream Read More »

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Are You Awakening to the Light?

Read Are You Awakening to the Light post by Genevieve Gerard

The word awakening is used a great deal among the consciousness community to describe an emerging awareness that is evolving in the world today.

It is for our time in the evolution of humanity the word most often used to describe increased awareness of the spiritual part of yourself, your Higher Self, or Soul.

The word awakening has, in modern times, come to replace the word
or illumination. Although the process of awakening, without a doubt, leads to ever increasing enlightened awareness, there is within the concept of awakening some underlying assumptions that I think it would enhance the process of awakening to consider.

The subtle and yet powerful difference in the use of the word awakening instead of the word enlightenment has within it the implication that what you are beginning to understand and what is emerging ever more into your consciousness is more a process of remembering. It implies an acknowledgment of what you already know, more than a process of learning or discovering something new.

If you consider that an integral part of who and what you are is a spiritual being having a physical human experience this all makes perfect sense.

Awakening implies that you are emerging from a dream or illusion, realizing what is real. That concept has within it a myriad of assumptions that are worthy of exploring. Most significant is: what are you awakening to and what are you awakening from?

It seems that the concept of awakening has captured the imagination of many who are reaching for spiritual enlightenment because it gives a hint to a deeper awareness that rings true in the human heart.

As I stated, the idea of awakening implies acknowledging and understanding something that was always known to you.

I like the idea of awakening because it affirms the wisdom of your eternal self (your Higher Self, your Soul) is communicating and revealing a deep truth to your personality self.

The concept that you are a temporal and material being, concurrently with your awareness of your nature as an eternal being is the beginning to the adventure of awakening .
           – Genevieve Gerard


Your Dual Nature

Since the dawn of time, the dual nature of the human experience as a physical, emotional, mental being and personality has co-existed in the human consciousness with an internal awareness of the Self as an eternal Soul. This is one of the major aspects of enlightenment. The understanding that I am a material and physical being whose body will ultimately return to dust lies mysteriously beside the deep inner truth of your spiritual Self as an eternal being.

Everything we know is taught to us by God
as He casts His light over the world.
           – Saint Augustine

That we are concurrently a physical and material being, while also the eternal spark of Divine Light is amazing. This awareness of the Self as both mortal and eternal has puzzled philosophers and spiritual leaders throughout the ages.

When I ponder these deep mysteries in the exciting context of the current revelations and awareness, I realize that it is love that teaches humanity about the eternal nature of the Soul. And, that seems appropriate because the nature of your Soul is love.

Ultimately, love is an eternal connection. In the deepest recesses of the human heart, beyond full comprehension is the awareness that love never ends. This is one of the most powerful and profound mysteries of the human life adventure.

It is by learning to love that we begin to comprehend this merging of our human awareness with the light of our Soul’s awareness. It is this merged being that is awakening to consciousness and expression in this dynamic time in human evolution.

The nature of God as love and the nature of the Soul as love combined with the understanding of love creates a state of being that is boundless. This leads our awareness into such mysteries as eternity and the eternal NOW.

The Divine nature of love takes the understanding of what it is to love out of the realm of limitations of matter then expands that experience into the awareness of love as an energetic force that is unlimited by either space or time, that is not confined by matter and therefore not limited by matter.

Open Yourself To The Love of Your Soul with my Amazon and iTunes 5-star Rated
Guided Meditation
Gift of Love Download.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

In this dual awareness, the mysteries of a new way of being and a new way of living are revealed. A concept such as accession becomes possible as you consider it is the consciousness and perspective that ascend as you incorporate your awareness of your Soul into your mind, into your emotions, and into your body and let it merge with your personality, ultimately merging into the wholeness of your being. Ponder on this.

This integration of your Soul and eternal spark of light with your body, mind, and emotions through integrating your Soul with your personality is an integral part of the consciousness of awakening.

This integration of the world of spirit with the world of what is physical and temporary is a significant shift in awareness.

This change in perception is a shift in human consciousness that changes everything. Functioning as a physical, emotional, and mental being that is also spiritual and eternal is a consciousness shift that expands your life journey.

That you can dually live in the eternal awareness of your consciousness as a Soul, while still functioning and responding as a personality, is a crucial part of the awakening process.


Meditation Is the Portal To Awareness

Meditation is the portal that can help you awaken to this dual awareness. Through meditation, you can begin to ignite the Light of your Soul and bring it ever increasingly into your awareness.

Connecting with your Soul through meditation opens you to the wisdom of your Soul which can be used to guide difficult life decisions. It can also connect you to the Source of Divine Love in life transforming and powerful ways.

That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.
           – Eckhart Tolle

Awakening and incorporating your Soul (your Higher Self), with the life lessons that challenge your days, opens you to being a new kind of human being that is coming into being in this new age of evolution. Humanity is just now at the beginning of this new way of being.

The process of awakening is a dual process of being and becoming. Living in the Light of the Soul while also living as a Soul infused personality is a different approach to life. It is a new adventure for humanity.

After eons of human evolutions, this emerging Aquarian Age and the spiritual awakening that people are experiencing across the globe gives new hope.

I encourage and invite you to open your heart and your mind to the transformative touch of your Soul that guides you to this new spiritual awakening so you can live a more inspired, joyful and fulfilling life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 11-19-2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Are You Awakening to the Light? Read More »

At Each Moment You Decide

At Each Moment You Decide

Read At Each Moment You Decide by Genevieve Gerard

I love mornings.

There is magic in each morning. No other time of the day is so rich with promise.

Just think, this day has never been before; it is unique.

What is possible today has never been possible before.  Whatever has happened in your past is NOW over.  You are free.  You can lay your burden down and release it into the past where it belongs.

The only power it has over you is what you choose to give it.  You can, in the magic of this morning and the magic of this moment, start anew.  This is the power of the dawn.

To claim this power, you may have some things you need to do.  You may need to forgive yourself.  You may need to forgive someone else.  Whatever forgiveness is required is possible.

Claim the magic of this morning to open your heart and your mind to the unlimited potential of this day.  This day has never been here before.  It is just NOW emerging and being created.

The ideas and solutions to life’s mysteries that are revealed to you today belong only to this moment and are filled with your co-creative power.  What you think of in the magic of the morning takes form and substance through the laws of life that “energy follows thought.”

You are a child of God imbued with the spark of Divine Light that gives you the power in your thoughts to control and create your reality.  You are, of all of the creation, the only one given the power of co-creation.  That is the miracle of what it means to be a human being.

The choice is yours.  Make of this day what you will.  Create with this day what you wish. In each moment you get to decide.

Joy is yours for the taking.

What is most surprising about this miraculous morning is you can create whatever you need.  If you need to suffer, you can suffer.  If you need fear, you can paralyze yourself with fear.

Today is an adventure in your experience of life.

All of the drama that life contains can come into your day,
for good or ill, by your will.
        – Genevieve Gerard

You might ask “why would I create pain and sorrow.”  And, that is certainly a good question to ask yourself.  “Why would I choose to suffer paralyzing fear?”  “Why wouldn’t I choose anything but joy, success, or happiness?”  The pain, sorrow and the failures you experience can provide valuable lessons that have a profound impact on your life.

These things may seem to be just happenstance, the accumulation of circumstances beyond your control.  And you can cloak yourself in the illusions of life that make situations and circumstances seem beyond your power to control or influence.  You choose whether these moments give you comfort or excuses that relieve you of the responsibility for your life.

In the magic of morning, I invite you to let the darkness fall from your eyes as the Light comes into being.  You are a miracle of creation infused with a spark of the Divine.  You are the Son of Man who is a co-creator with the creator.

This can be both a great blessing and a great responsibility.  What you do with this day matters.  What you create with your thoughts have consequences.  They may be unintentional consequences or very intentional consequences; the choice is yours.

There is in every day and every circumstance two possibilities.  There’s a positive side and a negative side and at each moment you decide.
           – Bernie Gunther (High Cards)

What will you do with the magic of this moment?

What will you choose for this as yet unformed day brimming with potential and unclaimed possibilities? What will you create with this formless day that lies before you with no footprints yet upon it?

This moment, this opportunity has never been before.  Life can change in the twinkling of an eye.  All that has ever come before this time can be safely tucked into the past.  Its time is now over.

It can only affect you if you let it if you cling to it.  Come into NOW.

Your life and your future are being molded into being what you choose NOW.  What you think and how you use your co-creative power is the creative force that shapes your emerging experience.

Seize from this magical moment the power to take control of the day and do great things with it.  Free yourself as you forgive and forget every limitation that has ever held you captive.

Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light of the new day into the new being you are becoming with the magic of this morning.  This day has never been before and will never come again.  Make the best of it, take the best of it.

It is NOW and in the NOW there is a great power.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.
Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
           – Eckhart Tolle

Unleash the power in your mind to claim the unlimited potential of the present.  That is the magic of each morning.  That is the promise of every new day.

Align yourself with your Life’s purpose.  New possibilities are revealing themselves to you today.  New thoughts, ideas you have never thought before, emerge from the creative power of your mind.

Open the space for new opportunities to come to you today.  Let the Law of Attraction attract to you all that you need for success.

Shed from your thoughts any limiting beliefs.  Clear from your being all that has ever held you back.  This is a new day; let yourself find a new way.

This is the magic contained in the morning.  This magic is available for you to claim today, right here, right now.

As the old saying reminds us, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Make it the best of your life.” – anonymous.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 4,420 times. Please share it with friends and then check out our other related posts below and in the “Hot Topics” sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 5/14/2020


Copyright © 2016-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


At Each Moment You Decide Read More »

Does Your Soul Sing To You

Does Your Soul Sing To You?

Read Does Your Soul Sing To You article by Genevieve Gerard

Within you is a song that is unique to you.  It is the song of your Soul.

The Song of the Soul is the voice with which you join in the celestial music that is known as the heavenly hosts.  It is a pulsing thrum that joins to create what is known as the music of the spheres.  It is probably not a song you hear or are aware of as you rush through your daily life.

The Song of Your Soul is found only within the sound of silence, the silence that is within all sound.

I would invite you to open your life and your inner sense to this voice as a meditative experience to help you increase your awareness of the beauty and magnificence of your Soul.  This meditative experience is an experiment in consciousness.  As with all meditative experiences your experience is unique to you and is guided by the wisdom of your Soul to offer you what you need at this exact moment in time and what can be of benefit to you right here and right NOW.

At times, and I must admit that they are rare and precious times; in deep meditation I have heard the music of the spheres.  In those singular and treasured times, I have felt transported to the angelic realm.  I have been so filled with love that it overflows my mind and my heart as I am infused with the love of my Soul.

I have never written about these peak meditative experiences before.  I have not spoken of them often even among my spiritual meditation group.  They are moments of bliss and communion with the Divine that I doubt I can even find the perfect words to express.

So, when in my morning meditation I felt directed to write about one of these extraordinary moments I immediately found my “mind chatter” limiting me.  I found myself doubting that I could do what I felt I was being guided to do.  Then, when I felt directed to create a meditation to open you and others to this extraordinary experience my mind and my personality began to argue that 1.) It couldn’t be done.  2.)  I was both incapable and more significantly not worthy to even try to do it.

My very human experience of denying the directing of my Soul led me to consider how often my “mind chatter” and insecurities stop me from being who I am meant to be, or doing what I am directed to do.  Sadly, I must admit much more often than I would like it to be. 

No matter how often I surrender my personal Will to Divine Will and I do it very often, not only each day but frequently throughout the day; I am still limited by my beliefs.  And, no matter how often I dedicate myself to the Divine work and purpose, I know that what I give and what I offer falls short of the magnificence of my Soul with which I regularly align in my meditations.  This is the conflict between the Soul and the personality.

Here I sit in my morning meditations and writing time feeling directed to create something to help others touch what I have only been able to touch in the exalted peak moments of my meditations.  I have to trust that although my efforts will fall short of perfection, it is important to make my very best effort.

How I Try To Listen To the Song of My Soul

First, to try to write something that can provide a portal to this transcendent experience I find that I must, as I recommend to you each time I create a guided meditation, calm my mindThen I must open my heart.  As I strive to do this, I am filled with the Love that I have for you.

Please ponder on these words as I share with you the blessing and the beauty of the Touch of your Soul that this meditative experience can provide you.  I have faith and trust that your Soul will direct and guide you to experience what is right for you.

Then in full faith, with trust and confidence that my Soul has wisdom beyond my mind, I invite the Light of my Soul to guide me.

The words of one of my favorite mantras comes to me and with intention I invoke:

May the energy of the divine self inspire me
and the light of the soul direct.


May I be led from darkness to light,
from the unreal to the real,
from death to immortality.
     – Djwhal Khul (Tibetan master)

With that openness and invitation to the Light, I shall strive to quiet the criticism and judgements of my mind chatter.  I attempt to capture for you the direction of my Soul to create a guided meditative experience to help you open to the Touch of your Soul so that you too may hear the song of your Soul.

Within my mind’s chatter is an understanding that my best efforts as a human being will fall short of the glory of the Soul in its realm as it joins with the angels and the heavenly hosts.  Still, I will dip my pen in heaven and write as best I can to create this for youAfter that, you will have to rely on the wisdom of your Soul to guide you.

What it will reveal and what you will experience is uniquely for you.  As I frequently advise before you begin any meditation where you consciously open to and invite Soul contact, I recommend that you have a journal beside you to record the impressions, images and promptings of your Soul.

Although you may be propelled by the business and busyness of life, with your awareness focused on your body, emotions, mind and your personality’s needs and desires; each and every one of us is endowed with a Soul, that is a spark of Divine Light and is our eternal essence.


Listen To the Song of My Soul Meditation


Take a minute now and sit with your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the floor as you open your whole being to this moment of time.  Let all that has come before in your life fade away as you come into the eternity of the now.

Imagine the Light of your Soul as a radiating Light three to six feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Then visualize that Golden Light descending into your field of energy (your aura) into the top of your head, down into your heart filling your heart with Love. 

To enter into this meditative experience you must hear, not with you physical ears but with your Soul, a song of the sounds that are the essence of all sound that is found only in the silence. Quiet yourself and connect to the part of you that is One with that Divine spark, your Soul.

A Mantra that you can use to empower you to connect with and identify with your Soul is:

I am the Soul.

I am infused with the Light of my Soul.

Grace fills me with Diving Love.

As Soul, I am joined and fused with the heart of God.


As Soul, I am empowered by the Christ to
be of service to do His work in the world.

To do God’s work aligned with God’s Will,
I surrender my little will.


With gratitude and joy,
I open my heart and my mind to the directing of my Soul.

       – Genevieve Gerard

Now, having identified with and aligned with your Soul, sit quietly with your mind as calm as you can bring it to be, open your heart to the outpouring grace of Divine Love.  Invite again the Light of your Soul, confident of your Oneness with that Light.

This is a sacred moment.  In the peace of this moment and the Presence of your Soul, sit in the silence and listen to the Song of your Soul.

Embrace whatever experience has been granted to you with gratitude.  Let whatever blessings and insights that come to you grow without judgement.

Record whatever guidance and impressions linger from this experience in your journal.

Let you heart be filled with the Love of your Soul and your mind be filled with greater understanding and insight.


Before you move back into the events of your day, pause to express your gratitude for the blessings you have received.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-04-2018


Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Does Your Soul Sing To You Read More »

Top 12 Lessons My Dog Bentley Is Teaching Me

Top 12 Lessons My Dog Bentley Is Teaching Me

Read my Top 12 Lessons My Dog Bentley Is Teaching Me

In the course of life, teachers come from everywhere.

One of the most amazing things is what lessons we can learn from life about consciousness from our furry friends.

They are often an example of ways of “being,” that provide an important example in life.

Interestingly, with the amazing synchronicity that a teacher appears when a pupil is ready, it seems that each animal that comes into your life has their own unique things to teach you.

The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.
       – Johnny Depp

In December of 2013, I wrote a post“10 Things I Have Learned About Consciousness From My Dog Silky.”

When Silky passed away in July of 2014, I sorely missed the companionship and source of unconditional love and devotion that is the wonderful nature of dogs. 

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent.
     – Milan Kundera

A little while ago I adopted a little white rescue dog, Bentley.  He is a pure breed Maltese, known as the “ancient dog of Malta,” and he has his own personality and with it, his own life lessons to teach

As I did in 2013, I thought I would share with you some of the wisdom I have learned from my new dog, Bentley. Just added an extra 2 bonus learnings!

Top 12 Lessons My Dog Bentley Is Teaching Me:

  1. I deserve to be loved
  2. I can ask for what I need with complete trust that it will be provided.
  3. My love is shared spontaneously and joyfully confident that it will be appreciated and returned.
  4. I do not waste my time on guilt or shame if I make a mistake I just move on to whatever is happening next.
  5. I am confident that I am loved and that I deserve to be loved.
  6. Life is too short to not have fun with the occasions provided for play.
  7. I will trust people until they show me that they cannot be trusted.
  8. I am open to new friendships and welcoming to new possibilities and new opportunities.
  9. Love is both my nature and my joy.
  10. I can be quiet and peaceful, calm and serene relaxing both my mind and body at will. (I never worry about anything)
  11. I appreciate absolutely everything that I receive and trust in the abundance of life to bring what I need when I need it.
  12. I come to each new day joyfully with no fears or limiting beliefs.


As I wrote this I realized that each fur baby who comes into your life is a unique expression of themselves.  If a domestic animal blesses your life, I encourage you to observe them from the perspective of what you can learn from them and what they have come into your life to teach and give you.

I invite you to post your comments and observations below this post.

The love we share with our pets is special.  They bring so much joy and comfort into our life and ask so little in return.  They are a special blessing in life and teach us how to love completely and unconditionally.

I once read a description of Heaven that said that Heaven is where every dog you have ever loved comes to greet you.  That would certainly make your entry to the pearly gates a celebration of Love.



Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-21-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Top 12 Lessons My Dog Bentley Is Teaching Me Read More »

It Is Always Only NOW

It Is Always Only NOW

Read "It is always only NOW" a blog post by Genevieve Gerard

You can do something in this very moment of time that can have a powerful impact in your life.

It is so very simple that it may hardly seem worth saying, yet it will have a far-reaching impact on your life experience. That is to be in the NOW.

That certainly sounds simple. In my many years of coaching and counseling people, I have learned that just because something is simple, does not make it easy.

You may think, “Well, when else could it be, than right NOW?” Of course you would be right. The quicksilver nature of the mind is such that it all too often plays with time through what I call “the Plans, prayers and promises game” (or how I make myself miserable.)

The “plans, prayers and promises game,” has a lot to do with what many people tend to do that keeps happiness outside of their experience.

Many fall into a thought pattern that involves looking at what is happening in the present moment and then judging it as unimportant or not good enough. Once you have done that, it is a slippery slope of self-criticism that contains the thoughts “I should have or could have.”

Right behind those thoughts come “I ought”. Then rather than being in the moment, a process of thoughts and projections into the future will begin, for most people these thoughts are composed of past fears that caused pain and thoughts of that pain happening again in the future.

At times, the perpetual reliving and fearing the past traps you in the past in your consciousness and deprives you of realizing and appreciating what is happening right now.

Interestingly, these thoughts become so buried in your negative “mind chatter” that you are most likely unaware of them although they leave in their wake a general sense of discontent and longing.

This mind chatter is usually a way of being in the past, or in the future. These are not the thoughts of being in the NOW.

In the dynamic power of the present moment, you can simultaneously and spontaneously shed the burdens of the past and your fears of the future.
        – Genevieve Gerard

If you take a pause to consider what is actually happening right NOW, at this exact moment in time and free yourself from any thoughts or consideration of the past or the future, you will be amazed at the sense of calm that washes over you. When you consider and understand how much of your mental attention and awareness may be occupied by thoughts of the past or desires for the future, it is astounding.

If you then take this understanding to its next and logical conclusion, you will realize that you can influence your life in powerful and dynamic ways that will immediately affect your personal happiness and save you from a lot of misery.

Now it may be a new idea to you that your misery is a result of your thoughts. If you have never been aware of that before, please take a moment to consider this concept. It is a very different idea. It can change everything in a way that empowers you to live the life of your dreams and become all that you are meant to be. It is a portal to success and joy.

The past is past. It has already happened, and nothing you can do right now can change it. That realization may come with sadness or a great relief. Whichever emotion you experience with that realization common sense cannot escape the acknowledging of the truth of that fact. What you can do is embrace the incredible relief and freedom that it grants you.

You don’t have to strive to re-write it or change it since that simply cannot be done. You are then left with the decisions of the present moment, what you can do right here, right now.

If you are contained in the events of your mental rewinding of the past, if there is something you are still angry about or some wrong that has been done to you, you can free yourself by forgiving that person for that wrong. You can say that they don’t deserve forgiveness, and that may be true, but you deserve the freedom from the past that forgiveness will give you.

Forgiveness frees you from carrying a painful burden. Forgiveness frees you from the past and opens you to the amazing possibility of receiving and appreciating what is happening in the present.

For many, past events are riddled with mistakes or failures you have made. You can free yourself from the burden of the past by forgiving yourself.

Check out How To Forgive Yourself: Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain and Sorrow guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard


Forgiveness is an act that can do more to transform your life than any other tool in the quest for enlightenment, awareness and joy. Check out my How to Forgive Yourself Genevieve Gerard MP3 and let go of the past and release your pain and sorrow now.


Since you cannot ever change the past, no matter what you do, consider the alternative, forgiveness. It certainly cannot do any harm and in my experience brings with it lots of relief and release. It can be a powerful element in your personal happiness.

The other logical conclusion to entering into the moment and appreciating right here, right Now, is that the future is not NOW, it remains something in the future that will only happen when it happens. You can only deal with it, resolve it, or respond to it when it becomes the present.

No amount of planning or promising yourself how it should be or will be, brings the future into the present.

Your thoughts are magnets to the creative process of manifestation, so it is important to rid your thoughts of as much fear and worry, as you are able.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Far more beneficial than the self-critical mind chatter of the “plans, prayers and promises game” is the realization that the future, while as yet uncreated and unformed, can be influenced by your positive thoughts and intentions because of a universal principle that energy follows thought.

Therefore, you can free your mind from the ceaseless spinning of “could have, should have, or I ought to” and open your mind to being an active and proactive force in the creation of your future.

How To Be In The Moment

To be really effective in being in the moment and creating the future that you desire, there are some important things you must do.


The first thing you must do is acknowledge that the past is over and unchangeable and has absolutely no more power over you. Then forgive yourself and any others from your past that you may be shouldering on.

Just coming into the present time in your awareness is a strong first step. Bringing your consciousness to present time spontaneously frees you from a lot of the negative consequence of the unconscious mind chatter by interrupting that pattern.

From the very moment, in the very moment that you shed your minds projections into the past or fears for the future, everything changes. That is why there is such a sense of relief and release by coming into the present, what Eckhart Tolle calls the Power of NOW.

Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment… Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life – and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you, rather than against you.
        – Eckhart Tolle


The second is to let yourself enjoy and appreciate the release that comes with bringing your awareness to this exact moment of time. At the moment, nothing is ever too much to bear because it only is for a moment.


The Third is to understand that the future is still free and unfettered in a state of potential that is becoming and emerging. That leaves you with a great opportunity to create the life you want to live, starting in this moment.

This active, proactive, energetic approach to the, as yet, uncreated and unrevealed future can help free you from the fears that are embedded in your undirected and undisciplined “mind chatter.”

Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment.
        – Robert Collier


Next you can continue to gain mastery over what you are creating with your mind, by observing what thoughts you are sending out from your mind.

This means being aware of the content of what you are thinking and then take conscious control of the content of your thoughts.

Utilize the universal principle that “energy follows thought” and activate the Law of Attraction. Use the power of your thoughts to create what you desire while living the Noble Eightfold Path of Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration, Superior Right Knowledge and Superior Right Liberation.

By focusing upon what you desire and consciously choosing to not confuse and litter your mind with fears and worry and the negative input of unaware and unfocused mind chatter, you can take the reins of your creative power into your hands.

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
        – Norman Vicent Peale

Your life is a gift, placed within your hands to be a co-creator with the Divine. What you choose, moment-to-moment, of the vast array of ways to improve and empower your life is life’s ongoing blessing to you.

Enjoy it in the magic of being, right here, and right NOW. This is your life, your amazing adventure. It is only available moment-by-moment. This is it, live, love and celebrate and remember, it is always only NOW.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2-20-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


It Is Always Only NOW Read More »

Being in the Moment

Being in the Moment

Being In The Moment Super Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

When one can ultimately discipline the mind to become quiet there emerges within the meditative experience a sensation of Being.

This is not thinking… this is not doing… this is simply Being. It is being totally present, in the moment.

In this moment nothing is required of you, for this moment is complete just by you being present.

This moment presents the paradox of being both empty and full beyond expression. In this moment you are free from all of the striving, all of the negative self- judgment and all of the desires that often fills your consciousness.

In this moment is a quiet and calm that demands nothing and needs nothing more than what simply is. This moment presents the paradox of being just a moment and yet within this moment is an eternity. In this moment, there is only being.

In this moment there is only now. It is timeless. It is endless. And yet, it is just a moment.

In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being.”
   – Eckhart Tolle

If you try to cling to it, it disappears. Yet in this moment is great freedom. In this moment is great joy. In this moment, you can rest and be at peace.

In this moment, you experience your self as the Self, free of all of the expectations and demands you may impose upon yourself in your regular daily life.

In the discovery of the moment, Being is an experience that transcends thought. Yet, you can let this moment guide you. You can use the wisdom and perspective in your life.

From this experience emerges a deep understanding. It is an awareness that provides a glimpse of your true Being, a glimpse of your true Self. It is an awareness of your self, as Soul.

For as long as you are able to be in this moment, there is nothing you need and nothing you want that is not there. Fear does not exist in this moment, nor does emotional pain or desire. By freeing yourself of fear and desire and allowing yourself to Be, for just this moment, comes an incredible freedom that begins to transform your life.

Your perspective changes as you know and realize that within the moment, nothing that life requires of you, nothing that you might experience is too much, because it only lasts a moment.

You can heal your life by not worrying about the past, or what will be the future. There is only this moment in the present. There is always only this moment in the NOW.

In the NOW, nothing is beyond your ability to accept. In the NOW, you find great strength because you know and understand that whatever problems you face in your life, are only in this moment of NOW. Ponder on this.

This gives you a new perspective as you bring your awareness to the moment. In the moment, you are granted the understanding of the promise that you will not be tried or burdened beyond your ability to bear.

You can take from this experience of the moment lessons that can transform your life. You can release the mind chatter of self-judgment and self-criticism. You can release the negative self-talk of “I could have” or “I should have.”

New Possibilities

By being in the moment and embracing the freedom of the NOW, you are opening yourself to the possibility and unlimited potential of a future that has not yet been created, while releasing the burdens of the past.

It is through meditation and learning to quiet the chattering mind, that the awareness of the NOW is best achieved. Being, and being in the now, is always there for you, but too often the noise and distraction of your mind’s chatter, and the fears and emotions, distract your consciousness.

This freedom is available to you. You can enter into the mystical peace and the profound Presence of your Soul through meditation whenever you wish. This bliss, this peace awaits you by simply setting aside the space to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Meditation is a portal to this moment of time. It grants the freedom from the past. It is a gift only you can give.

Being in the moment is its own reward. The perspective with which you face your life and new challenges is transformed by the respite and restorative power of having rested in the blessing of the eternal NOW.

Follow my guided meditation below for a brief experience of what meditation can do for you today.

A Meditation on the Now

Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light

Let your heart and your mind come into the present moment.

Take a deep relaxing and refreshing breath. Let yourself be right here, right now.

Embrace the quiet, the peace of the Presence, as you open your awareness to the timelessness of the eternal NOW.

By choosing to enter into this moment let yourself be open to the awareness of timelessness and let yourselves just be.

Begin by affirming and confirming with your consciousness and mind that all that has ever been before is now past.

Acknowledge that deep truth. Then take a very deep, relaxing and healing breath in and out.

Now, as you breathe in, imagine that you are infusing that air with any sorrows, any shame, any suffering that you have ever known and as you exhale deeply and completely you are now releasing it, freeing yourself from its influence forever.

NOW, breathe in and invite in the peace and calm of the timelessness of the eternal now.

Hold your breath and consciously surrender the glamour of busyness. Then as you exhale, release that glamour completely as you enter into a space that exists beyond time.

It is NOW, nothing more, nothing less.

Right here, right now, as you linger within this opening in the path of time, there is an amazing freedom.

Right here, right now, a deep and abiding sense of peace is available to wash over you.

Right here, right now, the Presence of your Soul is available for you to touch and embrace.

Right here, right now, a sense of wonder and Oneness is available to you.

Right here, right now, you are nourished by the miracle of life.

Right here, right now, you are offered the keys to Love.

This awareness, this experience, shifts your perception and opens you to bliss.

Here and NOW, you are the Soul.

Here in the NOW, you can touch the hem of heaven and dance across the stars.

All that has ever been is past. All that will ever be is in the process of becoming and unfolding.

There is only now and it is yours in its full glory.

Divine love is your birthright. Wisdom opens in you consciousness. All that you are and all that you will ever need to be, is available to you NOW, as you stand outside of time in the vastness of space, held in the safe harbor of the eternal now.

Here is the Peace that passes understanding. Here is the rest that that restores and releases you.

Here all that you have ever been and all that you shall become is embraced and enfolded into the Universal Presence as your Soul offers to the wholeness of your being, the grace and the love of being in the NOW.

In quiet, you can surrender and you can offer up to the Light, Power and Presence of your mind, your emotions, and your personality to blend and fuse with the Light of your Soul.

Right here and right now, by invitation and intention, explore and delight in the wholeness of your being as you realize that although you have a body, you are much more than your body. Although you have emotions, you are not your emotions. Although you have a mind, you are more than your thoughts. You have a personality, which incorporates and contains all of these diverse and delightful elements. It is in the blending of the spark of the Divine that is your Soul, that your true being and your true nature are revealed.

This is the gift of the elegance of the eternal NOW. This is the blessing of being in the moment, in the NOW that is offered to you as a child of God for your healing, for your happiness and for your joy.

Remain quiet and receptive and when you are ready, return to your daily life, relaxed, restored and refreshed by this respite in the eternal NOW.

I invite you to engage in the daily discipline of meditation. In my experience, the discipline of meditation is the simplest way to be able to quiet the mind and emotions sufficiently to enjoy the peace, the freedom and the strength found in the moment.

Ponder this… and let me know your experiences with being in the NOW.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 9-08-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All rights reserved.


Being in the Moment Read More »

The Essence of Being

Essence of Being

Read the Essence of Being, Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

Years ago when I was going to a Zendo to learn meditation, which is called ZaZen or more literally sitting meditation, the Zen master and I were discussing, as we often did the differences between the teachings of our Western culture and what is advocated in Zen meditations.

Pressure To Do vs. Be

We considered, in particular, the differences between the messages of many Western society parents, certainly mine, who would say, “Don’t just sit there, do something.” I don’t remember how many times I heard that when I was growing up, but it was certainly a lot. The Zen Master pointed out that in learning meditation that now I had to learn to “don’t just do something”, “sit there.”

The pressure that we feel to be constantly doing and accomplishing is for many of us hard wired into us from our early childhood messages. The idea that we can just relax, just be still, just sit and ponder, or just be, can be very difficult for many of us. We may feel that since being is not doing that it has no value.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, with the vast body of scientific research showing the health benefits of mindfulness meditation that cultural message is gradually changing. However, our societal Type A achievement orientation all too often approaches meditation as just another thing to “do”, missing the important step of opening to the fullness of your being or essence.

The dictionary shows the meaning of essence as, “the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.” Which comes from the Latin essentia, from esse to ‘be.

It is in the pause, in the silence, in the being, that you receive the essential benefits and the blessings of meditation. It is when you let your awareness expand that the impressions and direction of your essence, your Soul, can be heard in the silence, the silence that is within all sound. Ponder on this.

Reminder you’re a human being not a human doing.”
     – Mastin Kipp

Find The Experience Of Being

It is to help you find that experience of being that all of the meditation techniques taught across the various teachings strive. This includes the chanting of the ancient Vedic tradition, the mantra focus of Transcendental Meditation taught by the Maharishi, or guided meditations, even the activity based mindfulness awareness meditations that I teach, the essential element is about helping you to just be, in the now famous words of the teacher Ram Das to Be Here Now.

All of us who teach meditation, from the Masters of The Ancient Wisdom over the eons to the teachers of more modern times whether Hindi, Buddhist, Sufi or Christian Mystic, create ways to bring you into the consciousness of Being because it is in “Being” that revelation happens. That revelation comes from within your core, from your essence, from your Soul, from your connection to your Soul.

It is ironic that all of the paths of consciousness bring you to this same essential awareness, the essential state of being. It is why I have never been concerned about what path someone walks, only that they walk a path to enlightened awareness. The ultimate teacher is within you and that is your own Soul which always knows exactly what you need to help you move forward in your evolution of consciousness.

The various twists and turns you take along the path can be influenced by a vast array of beliefs, teachings, techniques and trials or errors, but the ultimate teacher, your own Soul, your own embedded spark of Divinity that is with you for all of your life, will reveal the truth to you. That truth will set you free from all of the glamors or illusions no matter how dearly or tightly held.

In the essence of being, truth is revealed. In the essence of being you are not limited to seeing through a mirror dimly. And what path you took to get to that essential experience of being pales in comparison to the bliss, the love, the peace, and the joy that “being” provides.

The Paths To Being

There are many steps upon the path. There are many things you need to learn or conquer along the way. But no step is in vain because each technique you try, each meditation you explore, are all the ways that your Soul is demonstrating to you what you need to experience with the essence of your being.

So, I teach, be gentle with yourself. Love yourself. Honor and respect yourself. Trust yourself to know the truth, for it seems to me when you open yourself to the awareness that resonates with the inner wisdom that this is true you have an inbreed compass you can use to guide your life. I encourage you to listen to that inner wisdom and ignore whatever voices of “you should” or “you ought” that is going on around you.

You and your Soul are the final arbiter of what is right for you, no matter who is teaching you or advising you.

It is to unveil the essence of your being that all of the techniques, all of the meditations, and all of the teachings exist, but it is not out there, it is Now and has always been an integral part of your Self, the touch of your own Soul.
     – Genevieve Gerard

The Light, the very essence of your being is your birthright and is available to you whether you are consciously aware of it in this moment of time or not.

Light A Candle Awareness Technique

There is a very simple very ancient technique that can be used to help you become more aware.

Light a candle and watch the flicker of the flame. Don’t do anything, just sit and watch it.

As much as you are able, calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light while you just sit and observe the burning flame.

You can observe the candle for as long or as short a period as you desire. There is nothing to do, just be. There is no right way or wrong way to watch the flame, just watch.


I hope you enjoy this simple “being” awareness interlude.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do.

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Last updated 7-6-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Essence of Being Read More »

A Perfect Moment In Time

A Perfect Moment

Experience A Perfect Moment In Time by GG

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

Have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time?

In a perfect moment you are released from fear with the full faith and confidence that you are OK exactly as you are.

You are freed from worrying, striving and stress, relaxing into what is and not trying to control life but letting life just unfold before you.

In a perfect moment, time seems to stand still. It is a moment when your heart is filled with feelings of love and your consciousness seems to expand to include a sense of Oneness with all of creation, with all of life. It is a moment of utter peace and complete joy.

Within a perfect moment are so many life lessons we can embrace and use to empower us when perfection seems out of our reach. In our experience of a perfect moment is a mind that is calm, not trying to do anything, not trying to change anything, but accepting with gratitude and appreciation what is available right here and right now.

In a perfect moment you are just being, and being is just perfect. If we ponder what is special and unique about that perfect moment we realize that it is free from the recriminations and judgments with which we so often burden our life. The flow of judgments in the form of “I should have, I could have, I ought to” as a part of our self-talk and mind chatter are ways we can deprive ourselves of joy. They are habits of thought that are a toxic poison. These self-judging thoughts take us out of the present into a consciousness of what never has been and never will be and is NOT real.

This illusionary standard of “could have”, “should have”, “ought to” holds us up to an imaginary standard of life and by so doing deprives us of the spontaneous joy and appreciation that is available to us when we let ourselves receive it instead of “shoulding” on ourselves.

We can free ourselves from this habit of killing our joy by becoming conscious of our thoughts and by making a conscious decision to focus our thoughts on editing and eliminating the often negative habitual thoughts that start with those illusionary phrases.

This technique of thought monitoring and thought editing is very powerful and can be life changing and life empowering. It is a way of harnessing the amazing power of our mind to bring into manifestation what we desire and claiming our role as a co-creator in our life. It is a way to become the director of your life rather than only an actor.

Whereas, statements such as “I should have” or “I could have” are dis-empowering and illusionary, statements in our self-talk of “I can” or “I will” are very empowering and start an automatic chain reaction to bring the plan into being.

Training your mind to empower your life requires your conscious intention to use the power of your mind for good in your life instead of letting your thoughts harm you by self-defeating, judgmental self-talk. Just this simple shift in your thought patterns and thought habits will create a very profound difference in your life. A difference you can feel and see quickly.

Love the moment and the energy of that moment
will spread beyond all boundaries.
          – Corita Kent

Observing your thought, just monitoring and accessing the content of your thoughts is a good place to begin. When you do this you might be surprised at how much of your “mind chatter” is filled with these toxic patterns. When you have observed the frequency of these damaging illusionary phrases, take a moment to consider how these thoughts make you feel. For most of us, it is tense, anxious and disheartened.

Then, as an experiment take just 1 minute and observe your thoughts and each time you catch yourself thinking the “coulda, shoulda” thoughts, consciously with intention, replace those thoughts with “I can and I will” thoughts.

Now how do you feel; excited, hopeful, powerful?

Thoughts have power. That truth can be used either for you or against you.

You can, by harnessing the power of your thoughts, unlock a powerful tool that both enhances your success and increases your joy. Since most of us do very little to consciously control our thoughts that power is left underutilized. By bringing your thoughts into consciousness and by choosing what you think, you are making a shift that will change your life in so many ways.

To take the reins of your mind and use its vast power in your life to create the life that you desire is the first step on a journey to success and joy. This you can realize, this you can do when you consider what you can learn when you have “a perfect moment in time”.

I invite you and encourage you to harness the amazing power of your mind and your thoughts to bring to you the life transformation that you desire.

There is a positive side and a negative side and
at each moment you decide.
          – Bernie Gunther (High Cards)

Now is the perfect moment to empower your life with joy.

Now is the time to experience and live in that perfect moment!




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 9-23-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


A Perfect Moment In Time Read More »

As the Year Turns

As the Year Turns

looking forward 5 minutes to stroke of midnight night shot with fireworks New Year celebration

New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are fertile times for reflecting upon your life.

As you do so it seems that there are several powerful ways that you can welcome in 2021 and empower yourself to manifest in the New Year more success, more joy, and ultimately greater happiness.

Perhaps the most powerful and important thing you can do as this passage of time is marked is to bring your consciousness and awareness into the present time, into NOW. This shift to the NOW involves several simple understandings of what is always true but may not be the focus of your thoughts and attention.

Therefore, I encourage you to consider deeply the fact that the past is over!

Seize the Opportunity That Today Offers You

With the strike of the midnight hour you are freed from last year. You are now invited to the unlimited possibility and potential of a new year. The future, brimming with promise is before you and you hold within the creative power of your mind and your life the ability to bring to fruition all of your dreams, all of your desires, your reason for living.

To enhance and best activate this powerful moment where you rest on the threshold of a new year which can be a whole new life, I encourage you to take a few minutes of time to forgive yourself. Since the past is over, nothing is gained by carrying the past forward in the no-win dynamic of self-blame and recrimination. So I urge you to use this transition from the past into the future to really forgive yourself.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift:
That’s why they call it the present.
          – Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)

Seize the opportunity that today offers you to invoke, affirm and dream. Your destiny is calling to you. Open your heart mind and Soul, to hear that call. As you release the past to its proper role in your life and forgive yourself, you can further free yourself to be fully open to receive what tomorrow has to offer by forgiving any who have ever caused you harm, intentionally or unintentionally.

Happy New Year stars and wishes from Genevieve Gerard

When you do this you are like a babe newly born to a new life like the New Year’s images who usher the old man of the past out the door.

The icing on the cake of celebration of the becoming of the New Year is to express gratitude for all that you have ever experienced knowing and rejoicing that it prepared you for the amazing future that is now ready to unfold for you, right here, right now.

New Year Affirmations

As the New Year emerges into being here are some positive affirmations you can use to empower your life.

  1. I open my eyes to see the new opportunities that are unfolding for me.

  3. I open my mind to inspiring and enlightening awareness of what I can do to manifest my dreams.

  5. I open my heart to attract to me those who can help me and those I can truly aid.


Remember this New Year has never been before! Move into it with joy and celebration, openness, and invitation to create the reality you invoke as the year turns.

Namaste and Happy New Year,

   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last Updated 1-1-2021


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved


As the Year Turns Read More »

Break of Dawn

Break of Dawn

Break of Dawn


When the pink lights of dawn merge with the storm clouds of life I feel a call to action from life itself, a dare to seize the day. In this time I open my heart and my mind to the promptings of my Soul to ask for guidance and direction to my life.

Then in the peaceful quiet that exists at the break of dawn before I slip into all of the doing of the day I pause to give thanks for the beauty that life gives so spontaneously without requiring anything from me. I take time to consider the many blessings I have, and embrace the joy that this respite grants.

In this fertile space I open myself to the affirmation and creation of the life that I envision. Connected with my Soul and my purpose in life I consider what I can do to bring into greater manifestation the promptings of my heart.

This time of reflection empowers my life and brings me peace and emboldens me to dare and do.



Photo credit: Janice Gerard

Break of Dawn Read More »

Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn | Genevieve Gerard
As the last breath of darkness surrenders to the Light of the dawn, I am reminded that the Light has the power over the dark

As a single candle can dispel the darkness, positive thoughts in our mind can dispel the fears that try to hold us captive

Each time we assert our dominion over the tyranny of fear we strengthen the Divine Light within us.  And as surely as the Sun chases the night from the sky, so our affirming and embracing positive thoughts activates the law of the universe that energy follows thought, which places the power for our life firmly in our hands.



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